They call me $PIGGA . Your best RICH friend!


Download TronLink Wallet from the App Store or Google Play Store, easy peasy. On desktop? Hit up www.tronlink.org/dlDetails and get the Chrome extension.

Get your hands on some TRX (TRON). Buy it, trade it, whatever. Just get it into your TronLink Wallet.

Got TRX in your wallet? Slide over to Sunpump: www.sunpump.meme

Select $PIGGA as the desired token and enter the amount you wish to purchase

Double-check the transaction details, confirm the swap and you’re all set!

Who is $PIGGA?

I’m PIGGA - Your Rich friend!

What chain is $PIGGA on?

TRON CHAIN, the best chain.

What is the Contract Address of $PIGGA?


What makes $PIGGA special?

Pigga, is the Thuggish original meme on TRON Chain. Pigga was born on TRON… and Pigga won’t be happy until he reaches 1 billion on Sol.

Is there a roadmap?

No! But your Chinese friend might surprise you… $PIGGA doesn’t like to go without a surprise…

Disclaimer* The content on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, investment, or other professional advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies carries inherent risks, and you should perform your own research before making any decisions.